Award Categories

In here you will find everything you'll need to know about FIBEGA, the International Gastronomy Tourism Fair
What are the FIBEGA Awards Categories Application Winners of the 1st Annual Gastronomy Tourism Awards

Award Categories

Categories for 2nd Annual Gastronomy Tourism Awards


☆ Best Destination in its Class

Destination that has consistently maintained its leadership position as a reference point in its segment, guaranteeing a high-quality tourism product.

2019 Winner - Peru

☆ Most Innovative Destination

Award to the destination that has focused on gastronomy as an attraction for its visitors. Those who have valued their products and made them known to the world and has re-invented itself as a premier destination.

2019 Winner - Morocco

☆ Spotlight on Gastronomic Tradition

Award for the best-known destinations as an international gastronomic reference point. Those who have maintained an attractive level in all fields of gastronomy tourism.

2019 Winner - Campania (Italy)

☆ Emerging Destination

Award to the destination that has emerged as a destination known for their tourism product and has drawn new or renewed interest for travelers.

2019 Winner - Macao

☆ Best Sustainable Gastronomy Destination

Award to the destination that offers an experience integrating the sustainable gastronomy model into their product. Some aspects of sustainable gastronomy include culture experience in the preparation of local foods while being environmentally sensitive and fostering food security and production.

New Category 2024


☆ Top Cruise Line Gastronomy Experience

Award for the cruise company that offers a high-quality experience and variety in its gastronomic offer. Making the on-board gastronomy a highlight and motivation for the traveler.

New Category 2024

☆ Best in Aviation: Culinary Menu

Award for the airline that has made a mayor effort to ensure that the gastronomic experience on-board is much more than a formality and becomes a positive memory and heightened culinary experience.

2019 Winner - Royal Air Maroc

☆ Best Local Food Restaurant

Award for the restaurant that has made the local product the first ambassador of its establishment. A restaurant in which treats the product with the utmost respect and promotion of the culinary culture.

2019 Winner - Joe’s Stone Crab – Miami, Florida


☆ Emerging Enotourism Destination

Award for an emerging wine tourism destination going above and beyond in its offering of an authentic experience.

2019 Winner - Marqués de Cáceres – (Rioja- Spain)

☆ Enotourism Experience Excellence Award

Award for the destination that has been linked to the promotion of wine and culinary culture as a reference value for the development of tourism.

2019 Winner - Mendoza (Argentina)


☆ Best Promotional Local Dish

Prize for the local dish that has become the ambassador of its area of origin and that has been able to cross borders to become a true icon.

2019 Winner - World Paella Day (Valencia – Spain)

☆ Best Promotional Local Product

Award for first-rate promotion of a local product that has maintained the highest quality and has received recognition around the world.

2019 Winner - Cacao of Ecuador

☆ Best Promotional Artistic Work in Gastronomy Tourism

Prize for the intellectual and artistic work that has best contributed to the development and promotion of a regional gastronomy.

2019 Winner - The Taste of Guatemala (Book of Guatemala)


☆ Leadership Impact in Gastronomy Tourism

Recognition award for the person whose professional contribution and leadership has advanced the improvement of tourism as a fundamental factor in society.

2019 Winner - Fernando Olivera Rocha (Tamaulipas-México)

☆ Most Innovative Tourism Technology

Award to the technology company that has contributed with its products to facilitate and improve the service to customers.

2019 Winner - Amadeus

☆ Gastronomic City of the Year

The world's most thriving city in the field of gastronomy tourism. The city that has become a must-visit for gastronomy lovers in search of a memorable and authentic culinary experience.

2019 Winner - Bangkok

☆ Leadership in Gastronomy Education

Award to an educational institution that is converting its students into true masters of culinary art with effort, innovation and investment.

2019 Winner - Basque Culinary Center

☆ Best Heritage Promotion of a Country

Campaign within a region that has focused on the heritage and culture by means of its gastronomy to promote itself.

2019 Winner - Poytáva by Graciela Martinez

☆ Recognition Award for Food Culture Innovation Program

Leadership role within an organization focusing on innovative gastronomy.

2019 Winner - Miami Culinary Institute